BEST BOOKS ON Achieving Goals – in my humble opinion and no particular order…
Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar
Dig your well before you’re thirsty by Harvey Mackay
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
Progress Leadership by Dean Lindsay
2600 Phrases for Setting Effective Performance Goals: Ready-to-Use Phrases That Really Get Results By Paul Falcone
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino
The Power Of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
How to Achieve Big PHAT Goals by Dean Lindsay!!!
BEST BOOKS ON ACHIEVING GOALS, 2022 & 2023, Top Goal Setting. sales, business, discounts on bulk copies, graduation gifts, life, health, USA
“Dean Lindsay breaks down motivation into simple, but powerful, concept that will leave you inspired to pursue bigger goals.” – DIY Marketers
“There are lots of books and resources available across the globe that focus on achieving goals. Some have 6 steps to greatness and others lack any real framework. In the book “How to achieve BIG PHAT GOALS” by Dean Lindsay all the best parts of goal achievement knowledge is collated into one powerful little book. This book is not an academic read in any way. It is simple to read and easy to understand the steps. While the text is straight forward and easy to read the lessons that the author shares are really powerful if implemented. What’s really great about BIG PHAT GOALS is that it can be applied to any person, in any situation, in any workplace the whole world around. The lessons are scale able, practical and edgy. This is a must have addition for every bookshelf.” – Everyday
BEST BOOKS ON ACHIEVING GOALS, 2022 & 2023, Top Goal Setting. sales, business, discounts on bulk copies, graduation gifts, life, health, USA
“Big PHAT Goals is an extremely helpful book for achieving your personal and professional goals.” — Frank Shankwitz, The Creator and A Founder of the Make-A-Wish Foundation
“I love, love, love this book! As someone who has been dedicated to setting and achieving personal and team goals for the past 30 years, Big PHAT Goals took my understanding to the next level. I rewrote my goals within days of reading the book, following Dean’s formula, and I am already experiencing even greater progress! This is a must read for you, as well as those you lead… and those you love!” — Catherine Monson, CEO, FASTSIGNS International, Inc.
Chapters in Dean’s new Goal Setting Book Big PHAT Goals include:
Internalized Reasons Create Movement
Defining Your Parameters for Progress
Big PHAT Goal-Crafting Defined
Six Rules of Big PHAT Goal-Crafting
Committing to Big PHAT Progress
Progress Takes Persistence
Teaming Up for Big PHAT Progress ( Goal Alignment & True Employee Engagement )
The Little Mind that Could