How to Set Goals

How to Set Goals

Progress Agent Goal Crafting Rule # 4 (a series on how to set goals) Link to Progress Agent Goal Crafting Rule 1 Link to Progress Agent Goal Crafting Rules 2 & 3 4.  Progress-Crafted Goals Are Detailed and Measured.  We are able to measure and track progress only...
How to Set Goals

Goal Setting Program near me and you

Progress-Based Goal Crafting Rules 2 & 3 Yes, there are goal setting programs near me and you!!  2.  Progress-Crafted Goals Connect to Personal Progress.  Plainly put, each person involved in a goal’s achievement must believe there is something favorable in it for...
Progress-Based Goal Crafting Rule One (1 0f 6)

Progress-Based Goal Crafting Rule One (1 0f 6)

Six Rules of Goal Crafting – A Progress Based Goal Setting Program Link to: Stop Goal Setting and Start Goal Crafting 1.  Progress-Crafted Goals Are Written and Visualized. Written goals crystallize thinking, enhance commitment, and help identify the strong...

Lower Turnover with Expectations

You are not going to like this — a recent study states that almost one-third of employees surveyed expect to leave for another job within the year. Have you ever put pen to paper on how much it costs your company to recruit, hire and get a new intro employee up...