Quick Stress Management Tip – Find and Create Humor

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As legendary director Mel Brooks said, “Humor is just another defense against the universe.”  Our minds can only focus on one thing at a time.  When we find the humor in a situation, it automatically relieves stress because the humor takes the place of stress, washing it away in waves of laughter and sometimes even rivers of tears.  Laughter is good medicine. 

Humor is a learned coping skill that improves with practice. When we laugh, similar to when we exercise, endorphins are released in the brain that help us feel better about the situation and offer more energy to tackle challenges. “Belly laughs” are also said to give our innards a good workout, massaging our organs while warming our hearts.  Touching, isn’t it?

“A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs – jolted by every pebble on the road.” Henry Ward Beecher

Humor also happens to be profitable.  People are drawn to people who are upbeat and have a positive, jovial frame of mind.  Professionals who maintain a sense of humor gain respect.   Find what makes you laugh.  And be sure to laugh at yourself from time to time. 

What makes you laugh? 

Where is the humor in the situation?

Be Progress.