Trade show booth tipsTrade Show Booth Tips By Dean Lindsay, Sales Coach and Author of Cracking the Networking CODE: 4 Steps to Priceless Business Relationships

Working a successful trade show booth can be such a powerful way to network, reinforce existing relationships, and build name recognition that I wanted to offer some insight into making the most of the investment.  The key is to find ways to encourage visitors to stop and comfortably begin building a relationship with you.  Here are sixteen sure-fire ways to build priceless business relationships running a trade show booth.

dean-keepnetworkingTrade Show Booth Tips 1.  Build rapport by being friendly and nonthreatening. A smile goes a long way in welcoming people to visit your booth.

“Every business is built on friendship.” — James Cash Penney 

Trade Show Booth Tips 2.  Create the right first impression. Stand and be interested in making contact.  Do not sit, read, drink, eat, or smoke in the booth.  Don’t just chat away with the people working the booth with you.  This makes you less approachable.

Trade Show Booth Tips 3.  Keep the booth looking sharp. Do not let the booth get disorganized, cluttered, or untidy.  Throw trash away.  If skirted, the space under the table is a great place to store boxes and stuff.  Many trade shows last weeks.  Even if it is a lengthy show, do not let your booth get run down.

Trade Show Booth Tips 4.  Avoid drinking alcohol or eating spicy or garlicky foods.  Bad breath is bad business – as is slurred speech and inappropriate behavior.  You do not want to be remembered as the drunk guy, or halitosis girl.

Trade Show Booth Tips 5.  Ask open-ended questions.  Avoid asking questions that can be answered with a yes or no.  Create a list of questions to ask that begin with who, what, where, when, why, or how.  This will stimulate thought and encourage conversation.  Relate questions to the event, industry, product/service and its benefits, or to a specific situation.

Dean-Lindsay-Quote-Roots-MatterExamples of Stimulating Questions: 

What brought you out to the show today?

How could you see using this (product/service)?

How important is (benefit) in your present situation?

What are your most important needs in (situation)?

How familiar are you with our product/company/service?

Steer clear of common and overused questions, like:

How are you doing today? 

Can I help you? 

Are you enjoying the show?

Trade Show Booth Tips 6.  Wear your corporate logo. This shows professionalism and teamwork and makes you easily identifiable with the booth.  Also, when you walk around the show, you are getting a little extra exposure.  Don’t have quality shirts with your logo on them?  Get them.  No time?  Wear your professionally made company name tags.  Do the trade show, then get some shirts.

Trade Show Booth Tips 7.  Wear comfortable shoes.  You should be on your feet all day so do not wear new shoes or high heels.  Come 3:45 P.M., you will be glad you took this advice.

Trade Show Booth Tips 8.  Do not leave the booth unattended. This means you will need to have a team.  Trade off so you can take breaks and roam the show.

Trade Show Booth Tips 9-16 in next post….

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