MTA Motivational Speaker says: Time is Great Equalizer

(excerpt from The Progress Challenge: Working and Winning in a World of Change by MTA Motivational Speaker Dean Lindsay.  “More than a motivational speaker , Dean Lindsay is The DEAN of Sales and Service!” – Jeff Chernoff, President, Consumers’ Choice Award ®  ) 

Time is the great equalizer.  Each day, every one of us gets the same amount 24 hours 1440 minutes.  Nobody gets less.  Nobody gets more.  Time can not be slowed, stopped, sped up, or saved like money. Time’s ticking, always ticking. 

What is an effective use of your time? 

The answer is totally subjective because the value of the results is subjective.  What makes a wise investment of time for me may not be a wise investment for you.  Each of us is, however, investing some of our time in daily activities that do not serve our goals.  Too much time is allotted to fleeting interests that we know are less important than progressing toward our crafted goals.  That is why it is so important to remind ourselves of the benefits of our goals. 

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” Mae West 

All of us have said to ourselves, “Oh, I really would like to (fill in the blank), if I could only FIND the time.”  Time does not need to be found.  It is right here.  Time needs to be invested wisely.  Each day we are choosing to invest our time somewhere, and for a reason.   By managing our time more wisely, we minimize stress, improve our quality of life, and have time to progress.  Unfortunately, time management is one of those life skills that no one teaches us in school. 

Time Management is really Self-Management, with a respect for time.

Be Progress.

(excerpt from The Progress Challenge: Working and Winning in a World of Change by MTA Motivational Speaker Dean Lindsay.  “More than a motivational speaker , Dean Lindsay is The DEAN of Sales and Service!” – Jeff Chernoff, President, Consumers’ Choice Award ®  ) 

How can Texas Motivational Speaker, Dean Lindsay,  Be Progress for you?

Dean is ready to discuss your program – shoot him an email at: or give him a buzz at: 214-457-5656