A Customer Service Speaker Training Ideas Post

Serving Inside Out (Part Two)

an excerpt from Customer Service Speaker, Dean Lindsay’s new book (being published in early 2012, SERVICE IS EVERYTHING)

Link to Part One

One of the surest ways to drastically reduce negative employee and external customer service issues is to create work environments that are upbeat, positive and collaborative.  It is well documented that team members that receive solid internal customer service are more likely to voluntarily offer assistance to other team members.
Our feelings about our internal customers are on display with every internal contact.  It shows in how we greet co-workers at the beginning of the day.  It shows in what we do when a superior asks for information needed to wrap up a project.  It shows in how quickly we respond to that sometimes kind of pushy team member who has another question.
How can we expect team members to care about and listen to customers when they are not offered that by other team members or management?
A pledge of internal service must be felt all through a company, from head to toe and back again.  Nordstrom’s, Disney and Southwest Airlines – all toting world class service buzz  – didn’t get that way without (most) everybody in that company being enthusiastically on board.  It is an ideology, an understanding that everybody serves and lifts up everybody else in the organization and that everyone within the organization has an affect – positive or negative – on the outside customer.  Everyone has each others back. 
“If you are not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is.”  — Jan Carlson
Showing team members that ‘Service is Everything’ is essential to the external customer feeling you know ‘Service is Everything’.  In assisting others on your team, you are helping yourself progress.  Every contact a customer – internal or external – has with our organizations gives the customer insight into the ideology we hold dear. Make your ideology  ‘Service is Everything’.

 Show you know ‘Service is Everything.’

In the next couple of Customer Service Speaker Training Ideas Posts, I’ll share seven tips on Serving Inside Out.
Service is Everything.
Be Progress.

Watch Customer Service Speaker Dean Lindsay in ACTION!