New leadership book by Business Speaker Dean LindsayQuick Time Management Tip – Delegate Right

(an excerpt from The Progress Challenge by Dean Lindsay)

We can accomplish a lot more with help.  We shouldn’t just delegate to full-time employees.  Delegating can also include others whom we turn to so that we can progress in other ways.  Outsourcing is delegating.  I outsource my lawn care, bookkeeping, and pizza baking. (Thanks, Pizza Hut.)

Delegation is not dumping.  As leaders, if something we assign doesn’t get done right, it is on us.  Either WE:

            A.)  did not communicate the task clearly enough,  and/or provide the right tools; or we 

            B.)  delegated the task to the wrong person.

 Delegating to wrong person with wrong info leads to change. 

Delegating to right person with wrong info leads to change.

Delegating to wrong person with right info leads to change.

Delegating to right person with right info leads to progress.

The right info means providing:

–         Clear goals (Objectives must be clear, but allow attendant procedures to vary.  Guard against any tendency you may have to micro-manage.)

–         Training (classroom and/or on the job)

–          Realistic deadlines (Make sure those you delegate to know the relative importance of the task.)

–          Rewards/Consequences

What on your To-Do List can be handled by someone else?

What are some things you are doing daily that others could do, so that you would have the time to do the things YOU want to do?   

 “In truth, people can generally make time for what they choose to do; it is not really the time but the will that is lacking.” — Sir John Lubbock

(an excerpt from The Progress Challenge by Dean Lindsay)

Be Progress.