Six Rules of Goal Crafting – A Progress Based Goal Setting Program

Link to: Stop Goal Setting and Start Goal Crafting

1.  Progress-Crafted Goals Are Written and Visualized.
Written goals crystallize thinking, enhance commitment, and help identify the strong reasons that propel the strong actions. Having goals in writing gives them weight and more importance: for whatever reason, not only the conscious but the subconscious mind takes them much more seriously.  Written goals are also vital when developing a course of action.

“If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind.” — Lucius Annaeus Seneca

 The mind will not reach for achievement until it has clear objectives.  Writing and frequently rereading goals turns on the “Can Do” switch in our brain, and the power to accomplish the goal begins to flow.  Goals that are written, read, rewritten, rephrased, and reread get impressed into our subconscious mind.  We may not know exactly how to go about achieving our goals, and our conscious mind may not even think them possible, but if we write out our goals and visualize their accomplishment every day, our subconscious mind will work to make them a reality.
Myth alert:  The “Yale Study of Goals” is often cited as a testament to the power of written goals.  However, most scholars doubt the 1953 “study” ever took place.  The so-called study claimed to have found that the 3% of Yale graduates who had written goals at the time of graduation were worth more financially twenty years later than the remaining 97% combined.  Too bad the “YSG” is probably an urban legend, because properly written goals are actually vital, and today it is estimated that fewer than 5% of us have properly written goals.  Let’s get that percentage up by “getting down with” writing our goals down.

Link to Rules 2 & 3

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