Dallas Social Styles Training Program is Powerful Stuff

a DISC Article by Dean Lindsay (part one)

Yes, we have great deals on DISC Profiles! – Call us: 214-457-5656
Author of The Progress Challenge : Working and Winning in a World of Change

We each have our own style, our own way we like to communicate with others (different strokes for different folks).  This is a basic human fact.  Each interaction with other people requires you to assess the situation from a fresh perspective.

It is also a fact that we need to connect when we meet someone.  Unfortunately, a tremendous amount of human energy is used unproductively in talking past or “at” each other.  We often fail to make a real connection with someone because we have a set of behavioral preferences that do not mesh with those of the person on the other side of our bifocals.

Progress agents can utilize a keen awareness of individual behavioral differences and, without being chameleons, modify their own preferences to make a favorable impression and build powerful working relationships.

Even though we are all unique, most people do fit into a certain style or predictable pattern of behavior.  People with similar styles tend to exhibit specific types of behavior common to that style.  Such patterns of behavior influence how people prefer to communicate and interact.

“Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image.”  – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Dallas Social Styles Training Program is Powerful Stuff – a DiSC Training Article by Dean Lindsay

We need to strive to understand and embrace these different behavioral styles.  This makes us better able to interact with other folks, even those who appear to be very different and sometimes hard to understand.  When we identify the behavioral differences in ourselves and others, we can adapt our style to create a comfortable environment for the person we are speaking with.

 A solid understanding of the DISC behavioral model is useful for delivering solid first impressions.  DISC measures observable behavior and emotions.  The development of the DISC model is based on the work of American psychologist Dr. William Marston, an expert in behavioral styles.

 In 1926, Marston published The Emotions of Normal People, in which he grouped people along two lines: either active or passive tendencies relative to their favorable or unfavorable view of the environment and their relationship to that environment.

Say what?  Here is a view of DISC from 30,000 feet:

Some people are Reserved and some are Outgoing.

One type is not better than the other.

 Some people are People-Oriented and some are Task-Oriented.

One type is not better than the other.

 Each of us is a unique blend of:

Reserved or Outgoing, mixed with the quality of being People-Focused or Task-Focused.

 Marston’s DISC research showed how behavioral characteristics may be grouped into four fundamental styles (D.I.S.C.):





Recognize and respect individual nuances, make adjustments, use good judgment, and adapt.  Learning and incorporating the DISC model of behavior is valuable for increasing trust and keeping communication open.

In my work with individuals and within organizations, I have had the opportunity to research and utilize several useful educational tools based on the DISC model.  Feel free to contact me for further information on our customized DISC training program.

More on on Dallas Social Styles Training Program and DISC in the next post.

Be Progress.



Social Styles Training is Powerful Stuff – a DiSC Training Article by Dean Lindsay